Every fall, I look forward to seeing three of my favorite fall bloomers and the pollinators and insects they attract. First to bloom is frostweed, Verbesina virginica. One of my first posts (December 2018) was about frostweed “blooming” in winter but here it is really blooming!
Terpentine bush, Ericameria laricifolia, is a late summer, fall bloomer and when it starts to bloom the insects come! In the summer, I can smell a whiff or terpentine when I brush against it.
If purple is your favorite color, then fall aster, Symphyotrichum oblongifolium, is for you. Like my other favorites, it, too, attracts pollinators, butterflies, and insects of all persuasions!
Hi Emmy,
your blog is terrific! I need to start one like yours someday.
A quick question: Have you ever seen any monarchs nectaring on the Ericameria laricifolia?
I have never seen Monarchs but have seen other butterflies, moths, and bees.